About Us

Our Vision

The Growing number of branches under this umbrella signifies the need to provide meaningful education, to large number of children, desirous of growing into educated & liberated human being has been fulfilled. We aim to preserve and enhance the highest standard of excellence & prepare generation for future J.P.S helps student to master the expanding horizons of technology & also vecome the repositioning of a deep commitment to india ethos & Culture in its pristine form.

Our Mission

J.P.S has become significant portal of learning & growth for young mind. Our credo is to provide an all round development and a sound moral base fostering character building. ventilated classroom, well equipped science lad Research centers multipurposa hall and playground nurturing the inquisitive spirit of children Encouraging scientifie temperaments & strengthening social bonds are our constant endeavours. Surging ahead with a spirit of healthy career teamed with a contented life is the gift for all our children.